Custom-printed tabs scream organization. With school and a new work year just around the corner, custom-printed tabs will make you (and your company) look and feel more professional.
For example, if you are pitching a development plan, you are going to be taken more seriously if the proposal is organized with custom-printed tabs.

Now compare the above tabs with these:
If you are competing with another developer, which pitch do you think will stand out? The one with custom-printed tabs, of course! We can print (black ink) text on Avery plain tab dividers on our copier, which is our most affordable option. However, we really recommend color because of the reasons stated above.
To print tabs with color, we use our tab machine. It can print tabbed-pages up to 15 inches tall with as many banks as you would like. Our standard banks are square with round corners, like the ones shown below:
Most people prefer their banks to be on the right-hand side of the pages, but some prefer their tabs on the top. Our machine can do this, too.
We can also create custom-shaped banks on our letterpress. For example, this company wanted tabs with a cut bottom corner. Since we already have this die made, if you would like this style of tabbed-pages, it would be cheaper than creating and ordering a new die.
Your most affordable option will be Avery plain tab dividers with black ink on our tab machine.
Custom-printed tabs serve the same purpose as customized business cards, stationery and other paper products: it makes your brand stronger. The more customized your products are, the more recognizable your brand becomes, and the more likely people are to use your brand, as people tend to use brands they recognize. If you are a student, custom-printed tabs are great for organizational purposes. Color, especially, makes tabs and information easy to find.
Want a quote on your own custom-printed tabs? Call amp today!