Little Mosko’s has combined two of our favorite things: awesome food and cool wall decals. The “muncheonette” and bake shop, located in the Entrepreneur Center, did a little redecorating this past week, and now they house two wall decals, a hanging sign and a sandwich board.
The wall decals are made of adhesive vinyl. We know, it looks like it was masterfully painted on the walls, but alas, it is just a super rad sticker. We used a vinyl with a matte finish (as opposed to a gloss finish) to avoid glares or hotspots from interior lighting. For the adhesive, we opted for a less permanent version to avoid damaging the walls if Little Mosko’s wants to remove the decal in the future. Don’t you just love the decal that reads “Coffee. Breakfast. Lunch. Munch.”? We may have to munch there for lunch today..
Moving on to the hanging sign, this bad boy was created using PVC. Also known as polyvinyl chloride, PVC is a commonly-used type of plastic. It is used instead of metal and glass because it is more lightweight, more cost effective, resistant to weathering or chemical rotting, and easy to install. It is very durable and has the dual advantage of being non-toxic. It’s a safe material that has been researched and tested more than any other plastic in the world. Plus, it looks cool.
Last but not least, we created a sandwich board for the eatery with two coroplast panels. For those not familiar with the substrate, coroplast is a corrugated plastic sheet. It is often used for real estate signs or other temporary signage. It is very lightweight and can be swapped out easily.
Little Mosko’s, you done good. Time for lunch.